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How to Make Short Videos That Attract Qualified Leads

Who doesn’t look to shorten their sales cycle and bring in qualified leads earlier?

AI is getting a lot of attention for its many productivity tools, but there is one relatively low-tech marketing strategy you can do right now to bring in more qualified leads quickly and fairly easily.


Short videos are THE best way right now to grab viewer attention, make an impact, and serve as an instrumental part of your pre-sales process. Most people spend at least a few idle minutes scrolling, and short videos are what shows up most in their feeds across social media channels. And if some of those people happen to be in your target market and like what they see? You'll see increased traffic to your website and other content as they check you out.


There is "push" and "pull" marketing. The push variety are those outbound calls and emails to your target market, looking for interested leads. Pull marketing draws leads to you through advertising, articles, posts, blogs ... and videos. Video has the added advantage of giving visual and audio form to your message and brand - and by being memorable.



The best videos are memorable, because they tell a story that’s interesting, relatable, or humorous.


Can you relate to the ups and down of parenthood? This short humorous video series is all about moms, while showcasing several skills in just a few seconds.


Show ‘em, don’t tell ‘em! No one likes to be preached to, but they sure like to be entertained.


Build pre-sales trust and likeability by being yourself on video

You certainly don’t need to be an entertainer or have razzle-dazzle production quality. The best videos resonate with “real person” authenticity and a natural sincerity. But if you’re promoting your business, they need to have a clear purpose and call to action to operate as an effective lead generator. Even if you’re just looking to enhance your visibility, know who your ideal audience is and what impression you want to leave them with.


A lot of relevant content and value can be packed into a short video. Furthermore, you can do so in a way that lends entertainment value and showcases your personality alongside your product or service. Your personality DOES matter, whether you’re a small business owner interacting with your customers or a coach or consultant providing individual or small group sessions. Clients often book because of YOU: your personality, approach, and style – and not just your content.


Video is one of the best ways for potential clients to get to know you and your services. You’re building a business relationship and the foundation of having them “know, like, and trust” you without them even realizing it. When they watch your videos over time, your future clients have started down your pre-sales funnel, in a way that’s private, anonymous, and stress-free to them.

Laura's Quick Tips

  1. Let potential clients see you as a real person. It’s the first steps to building the ol’ “know, like, and trust” that leads to developing a solid business relationship.

  2. Know your purpose and how your video fits within a larger marketing strategy. Make sure it has a well-defined focus that speaks to your target audience.

  3. Keep your video within 60 seconds – think of it as an introduction to who you are and what you offer.

  4. Relax! If you’re uncomfortable in front of the camera, it’ll show. Check out my series of short videos on building On Camera Confidence to get you started.

  5. Be yourself, not the person you think you should be. Authenticity is the key. Don’t come off as a phony.


Short and sweet

These videos don’t have to be long, either. For example, my humorous MOMisms series of ultra-short videos are only 5-10 seconds each. Some are even shorter. Their purpose is to demonstrate through entertainment my skills as an on-camera and voice actor, as well as my knowledge and expertise in creating short videos, which I coach entrepreneurs to do for their own businesses.


Let me leave you with a tip: If you’re creating a short video series, post new ones consistently over time to grow your viewership and cue your audience to look for them on a specific day or time.  

What's your favorite kind of short video?

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Ready to create your own short video series?

Need a few ideas for coming up with your own short video series? I’d love to talk with you and see how I can help. Sometimes it takes someone from outside your business to provide a perspective that your potential clients can relate to. Or give you that nudge to get started. Or show you the basic video-making equipment and tools you need and how to use them. 


Upcoming Events

NetConnect 2024

I'm hosting a virtual networking session for professional women everywhere.

Plus: how to create an elevator pitch that's memorable, perhaps funny, maybe even musical!

October 17, 4-5:30 pm EST


Want to learn more? Let's talk!

I'm Laura Doman, a voice & TV/film actor and video communications coach. As an actor, I create memorable characters that tell my client's stories well, from the friendly CEO to your sassy best gal pal dispensing real-world advice. As a coach, I help you become more comfortable and charismatic on camera in videos, presentations, and online appearances.

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