Do’s and Don’t of In-Person Networking
Schmooze, Don’t Lose (Opportunity or Reputation)
In-person networking is beginning to re-enter our lives. Finally! Hey, Zoom is great when you can’t meet face-to-face, but it can’t hold a candle to good old-fashioned people-schmoozing.
But do it right. Some of us may have forgotten how to properly approach strangers whom we want to meet. We’re a little out of practice in the small-talk department, hoping to stoke their interest but not veer into boredom or braggadocio. And we may be just a little too giddy at the prospect of some honest-to-goodness, real human contact that we forget why we’re there in the first place.
Never fear. Here are a few tips on the do’s and don’ts of in-person networking that will bring you up to speed and have you slapping your forehead with a “Duh! Of course!” Think of it as a little tickler file to get you back into constructive networking that will help you forge new business relationships and friendships.