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The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever
Practical ideas, insights, & info to up-level your business marketing in today's social media-driven, AI world - available on Amazon.
What to Wear (or Not!) When You're On Camera
Your choice of clothing matters when you're in a video. You want to look good on camera. Professional and credible, too. Here's how.
Silver Spring Town Center Speaker Series
Have a dream you've always longed to pursue? Now's the time! All you need is determination and a plan for success.
To Work or Not to Work Over the Holidays
The only frenzy in the family should be during the tearing open of presents. Balance family vs. "me" time, however you define it!
Public Speaking 101 - Borrow Some Acting Tips
#1 fear: public speaking. Well, it is for most people. Here's how to start overcoming that fear with a few tips from the acting world.
Looking Professional On Camera: Hair, Makeup & Jewelry
It's not vanity when it comes to prepping for the camera. Your professional business appearance lends credibility and trust to your message.
Do You Know Your Calling?
Do you keep the line open to your inner voice, to help you find your true path? No? Well, it might be worth a try.
Boom! When On-Camera and Voice Over Worlds Collide
Remember Venn diagrams? The intersection where separate groups find common ground? Hint: that's where you'll find your greatest strengths.
Should You Sit or Stand When Talking to the Camera?
Should we sit or stand when we're talking to the camera? Physicality matters when we're making videos. Here are a few things to think about.
10 Life Lessons I Learned From Playing Solitaire (Really)
Games can teach us a thing or two ... or ten. Even good ol' Solitaire has lessons for life in business that are played out in every hand.
LinkedIn Live with Gillian & Friends
Speaking in public - even in a video - strikes fear in many hearts. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to alleviate it.
The Gift of a Cancelled Booking (or Two)
Bad news? Maybe it's really a blessing in disguise that allows you to focus on something far more important and to draw on your reserves.
The Sins of Voice Over
Mistakes. Bad judgment. Poor attitude. Here's a truthful, but humorous, look at the foibles in voice over.
What To Do With Your Hands When Speaking On Camera
Most of us aren't sure how to use our hands when we're presenting. How much gesturing or stillness is appropriate? Especially on camera.
Murphy’s Laws of Voice Over
Bloopers. Gotchas. Mind-numbing reality checks. Yeah, Murphy will keep you on your toes. And maybe your knees. Here's a lighthearted look.
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