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The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever
Practical ideas, insights, & info to up-level your business marketing in today's social media-driven, AI world - available on Amazon.
I Jumped Into a Lake for a Bag of Doritos
Doritos is known for its wildly funny commercials, especially during the Super Bowl. Here's what it's like to be a part of creating one.
Holiday Humor
Holiday humor to lift your end-of-year spirits! Here are 4 holiday-themed MOMisms to spark a smile.
Eh, It Could Be Worse...
Complaining is boring. Tally up this year's wins and get ready to hit 2025 running. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all the good stuff!
Movie: "Falling for the Competition" - Now on Amazon Prime
What's it like behind the scenes on a movie set? How about a fun fact or two? Here's a peek from my latest project, now on Amazon Prime.
GrooveCat TV Improv Company
A new form of improv is (literally) taking center stage, allowing you the audience to participate directly from home. Here's the scoop.
MOMisms: Fun-Sized Videos
Looking to grow your social media network? Pack a punch in 10 seconds or less with a quick message. Bonus points for a useful or funny bit.
10 Life Lessons I Learned From Playing Solitaire (Really)
Games can teach us a thing or two ... or ten. Even good ol' Solitaire has lessons for life in business that are played out in every hand.
Murphy’s Laws of Voice Over
Bloopers. Gotchas. Mind-numbing reality checks. Yeah, Murphy will keep you on your toes. And maybe your knees. Here's a lighthearted look.
The Burdens and Blessings of an Empty Nest
Turn around and your last baby has grown up and is leaving for college. You're an empty-nester! Time to mourn or celebrate?
Bee Wrangling and Other Problem Solving Techniques
No one wants bees in their house. Take a sec to panic, then get rid of them with some basic problem solving techniques. Bee Wrangling 101.
Fun and (Improv) Games On Set
There's nothing like some improv training to add to the fun of a good comedic script. You just have to know what you're doing.
Walking the (Fine) Lines
Or how to release the inner demon (yours or someone else's) at the touch of a button. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Give Mom and Dad Their Cap and Gown, Too
You think sleepless nights with a newborn are hard? Just wait for those teenage years. Raising human beings isn't for the faint of heart.
The Bus Ride From Hell
Stuff happens. Inconvenient, unpleasant stuff. Rather than just stew in your juices, turn lost time into productive time well-spent.
The Bright Side of Drudge Work
The necessary evil. The stuff NO ONE wants to do. But if we don't, it doesn't get done. And it'll bury us. Better to just take charge of it.
Blindsided by Change
Change comes calling. Better deal with it before it deals with you ... harshly. Take a lesson from the days of yore in the tech industry.
Wise-Cracking Dish Towels
A nice dose of humor at your fingertips. Literally. Ready to wipe a smile on - and off! - your face, when you need it.
A Job in Sales? Just Shoot Me
"Salesman." Do you instinctively shudder at the word, conjuring images of sleazy used car sales types? Here's my story. From the dark side.
Dive-Bombing Owls & Other Oddities
Ah, childhood memories. Generationally, they're the ties that bind, making us stronger. Except when the local wildlife is out to get us.
15 Ways to Grin and Bear It
A simple shift in attitude or perspective works wonders in lifting your spirits. Or those of others. Give these 15 tips a try!
Old People Get Away With the Darndest Things
Let's hear it for being in our elder years! You can get away with saying things that you never would have been able to before.
Feedback Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Resilience needs to be in every actor's toolbox. When "No" is a constant response, genuine positive feedback can make a world of difference.
The Roller Coaster Marathon
Pandemics and protestors change things. Yup, but so do all the little things in life. Change is the name of the game especially in the arts.
When Did LinkedIn Become a Dating Site?!
Poor guys must be desperate, wrangling for any type of female connection. How successful can they possibly be in the middle of a pandemic?
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